Sabtu, 16 Maret 2013

Freestyle Football competition

Hello All !!1
This time I will tell you about freestyle football competition
So... check it out

FREESTYLE football also have competitions, such as football competitions as well.
This time I want to explain about the two most famous freestyle competitions in the world are Red Bull street style and  World Freestyle Football Championship.

RBSS has been held for 5 years, and WFCC is Start from 2010

This are Champion's list for those two tournament


World Freestyle Football Championship ( Superball ) (Battle Winners)

Runner up WFFC 2011- Tokura from Japan
  • 2010 – Poland Lukasz Chwieduk " Luki "
  • 2011 – Poland Szymon Skalski " Szymo "
  • 2012 – England Andrew Henderson

Red Bull Street Style 2008, 2010 and 2012

  • 2008 – France Arnaud "Sean" Garnier
  • 2010 – Norway Anders Solum
  • 2012 – Japan Kotaro Tokuda

That is all for this post
and now i will show the battle video from those two tournament
I Want to know about the mechanism in Freestyle football battle


Jumat, 08 Maret 2013

S3 Crew ( Street Style Society )

Hello Guys.......
I have a good news...
From now on I will posting in my blog every weeks
So... be often to visit my blog
Okey, this time, I will tell you about Freestyle football's most Famous crew . It is Street Style Society Crew or more Known as S3 Crew

S3 crew_Street Style Society
S3 Crew's talented  freestyler : Sean Garnier

 The S3 group is a freestyler community with an original and unique concept (Mix of Soccer, Basket and Dance). This group is compound by international and professional freestylers whom are leader in their own including Sean ( Football Freestyler )Even though in S3 crew Mix all freestyle , Freestyle football in S3 Crew very continues to develop and is known throughout the world. Why like that????
Because S3 Crew educate and producting many talented freestyler in the world like Sean, Djiminho, Andreas etc.


Since many years, S3 Crew freestlye ball  show all over the world, for famous company such as Adidas, Redbull, Sony or international sports organization such as FIFA or UEFA.Very present in the humanitarian and caritative world, our members are always ready to make charity action, as it has been done lately with Paris Hospital for disabled young people's.As beeing considered as a major actor in french and international freestyling, S3 is making training courses, contests and official competitions for every freestylers from the youngest to the expert. 

Melody;S3 crew's girl freestyler

S3 not just a palce to Freestlye football together . They make  they achievements and also helping the world's social problems with chairty actions etc.

That is all about S3 Crew, Hope you like it
And this is the videos from S3, the thing that just S3 CREW can do it in this World : Flashmob freestyle ball


Sabtu, 02 Maret 2013

Kosayu's Freestyle Football

Hello Guys !!!!
We have entered the month of March. This time, I want to telling my experience.
In Saint Joseph High School, March identical to Kosayu Art Festival . Arena to Shows Saint Joseph High school student's talent in music, drama, dance, and also freestyle.

Last year, 2012. Kosayu Art Festival showing Fresstyle Football performance too, it is the first time  Freestyle Football Shown in Kosayu. Freestyle football performance presented by futsal ekstracuriculer.
For performing in Kosayu Art Festival, all students who want perform must join the audition , so it necessary to struggle. Extracurricular kosayu futsal team are consist of Calvin ( me ), Pius, and Alex ( known as "Bebek")

We all ( Extracurricular kosayu futsal team ) had train hard from one month before audition day. We had trained every day, but that's all paid off for us, because we can join the Kosayu Art Festival 2012.
KAF held on 26 March 2012.
From left : Calvin-Pius-Bebek
For all of us, perform in front of one thousand people is something new. Finally in 26 March, at Seven P.M we performing Freestyle football, we were very nervous, too much wrong in begin but sometimes we got a round of applause as well, that is make us try harder in our performance.

That  day was precious, because we get a lot of experience.

So that's all my story about freestyle football in Kosayu.

Rabu, 09 Januari 2013


Born at 16 th december 1991, Andrew henderson grew up in london with the passion for football which has evolved and developed into his life. He had know about freestyle football world since 15th year old.
When he 18 year old, Andrew Henderson crowned as UK’s best freestlyler and win Uk Red bull freestyle championship. At last in 2011 , He reigning World Freestyle Football Champion in Kuala lumpur, it means Andrew is the best freestyler in the world. WOW!!!! Amazing right ???

The thing make Andrew different from other freestyler is his own style, combinate pure freestyle football more dominan than break dance moves. Many other freestyler utilize breakdance moves to fascinate looker or other people when thay had performing, besides freestyle football is talking about your art skill with the ball.
So I think, Andrew is the real fullskilled freestyler in the world and he appropriate to be best freestyler

Andrew Henderson’s Achievements
2012 UK Redbull Streetstyle Champion
2011 World Freestyle football champion, Winner
2011 Grassroots freestyle, winner
2011 UK Football Freestyle Championship, Winner
2010 UK Football Freestyle Championship, Winner
2009 UK Football Freestyle Championship, Winner
2009 UK Redbull Freestyle Championship, Winner

Sabtu, 03 November 2012


“Around The World” (ATW), “Hop The World”(HTW), and crossover are three basic tricks for Amateur freestyler because this tricks so easy but also cool and “wow”.


Around the world trick isn’t mean travelling in this world but the very very basic trick of freestyle football so if you can do this trick you can called a freestyler  . The Around the world trick is the cornerstone of any freestyler’s routine, the benchmark for amateur starting out.
To do around the world is lift the ball with your dominant foot, not too high and not to deep then with the same foot you swing your leg  around the ball to get balance the ball. Making enough contact to keep it spinning and away from the ground

Hop the World is almost same with ATW. the Hope the World or HTW  is a great trick where the player flicks the ball up, goes over it with the other leg, then catches the ball with the flying leg. You have to be able to jump and swing your legs pretty high


Crossover very easy tricks but also very cool. You learn how to do the crossover yourself by juggling the ball up.
Swinging your foot over it, then catching the ball with your ground foot. Pretty.. Simple... Beautiftl


So That’s all are three basic tricks of freestyle football you can learn all in 2 days because that tricks so easy and simple. 

Jumat, 05 Oktober 2012

Who is the first freestyler ????

Hello guys !!! 
In this post I will tell you a little about the history of freestyle football and the important thing to be freestyler.
So don't go anywhere, just read this simple articel

Juggling have been around as long as there have been objects to juggle with, which is like forever. 
The first famous football juggler was Mr. Woo, he took the art of football freestyle to a new level. He did a lot of circus tricks. He had a lot of style and imagination. Mr.Woo was a former pro footballer who wanted to take his skills to a new level. Mr.Woo have now worked with many of the best football players of today.

The legend of freestyle footbal : Soufiane Touzani
After a couple of years a new dimension of the sport was born. The video of Soufiane Touzani was the start of this new freestyle era. In the beginning of 2000 he released a video with tricks never seen before. He did crazy combinations and that was one of the first real freestyle movies ever released on the net. Today this video have been seen by millions of people all over the world, it's probably the most seen freestyle video ever. Touzani was doing a lot of leg tricks and combination. Most people have seen one around the world, this guy did multiple and also new combination of different tricks. This video was the introduction to the freestyle scene to so many people.

First video from the legends of freestyle football

After that, many people want to be freestyler with their own style.The freestyler from sweden named  “Palle” show new revolution with airmoves He started to do the craziest tricks after each other, all of them in one motion with no touch in between the tricks. Arnaud ”Sean” garnier , the first world champion  of Street Style Soccer  with amazing performances, without crazy tricks but stylish tricks. Then still many famous freestyler in the world likes Abbas Farid, Billy Wingrove, John Fanworth, and Rob Walters which they be famous through the media.
Besides the tricks, the thing that must be considered is about the special ball for freestyle football and the shoes.
Special Ball, "Monta Shinji Matchball"
balls used in freestyle football could use a futsal ball ( Size 4 ) or soccer ball (Size 5 ), but there is a special ball for freestyle football like “Monta Shinji Matchball” . These balls are for true freestyle football performances. “Monta Shinji Matchball” are equipped with stuffed inner bladders for low Bounce Effect and firm ball control with size 4. 5

                                     Nam The Man, Freestyle Football using special ball

Usually the shoes for freestyler is using futsal shoes not soccer shoes, but if you want to using other sport shoes like running shoes.
Other important thing to be considered is the safety in our performances. If we want to do some extreme tricks such as somersaults, backflip, mortal, and others, it could harm our bodies. Like the others sports, freestyle football also has some risks
So if you want to practise freestyle football, you must  be careful.

Thank you for reading
Wait for me in next posting and don't miss it

Sabtu, 11 Agustus 2012

Did you know????

Who doesn't know about football ???
about Cristiano Ronaldo or Cesc Fabregas ?? Everyone know right ?
Football is the most famous sport in the world. But not everyone know about freestyle football.

Freestyle football is the art of expressing yourself with a football, while performing various tricks with any part of body. Nowadays freestyle football become a wide spread sport across the world and is practised by many people.

This video will show you about freestyle football.
Check it out !

Later I will tell you more about freestyle football, how cool and how beautiful the freestyle football is.

Don't miss it.